The Boolean operator NOT can be used to exclude particular terms from search results. 可以使用布尔操作符NOT从搜索结果中排除特定的词。
Due to the handling of default Boolean combinations for filler terms, the matching focuses on non-filler terms if there is a combination of filler and non-filler terms in a search. 由于辅助词会与默认的逻辑值组合,所以如果搜索中包含了辅助词和非辅助词,那么这时匹配只关注于非辅助词。
To get a more selective match for such cases, use either the enforce operator (+) or an explicit Boolean operator ( AND) in the keyword search. 要在对这样的情况使用更多选择的匹配,需要在搜索关键词中使用强制操作符(+)或显式的逻辑操作符(AND)。
To find niem-xsd: boolean, I can't use the default search on properties, because that only finds element and attribute names, not type names. 要找到niem-xsd:boolean,我不能使用属性上的默认搜索,因为这只找到元素和属性名称,找不到类型名称。
Search strategies include single and multiple character wildcard searches, fuzzy and proximity searches, and AND, OR and NOT Boolean operations. 搜索策略包括单个和多个字符通配符搜索、模糊和近似搜索以及AND、OR和NOTBoolean操作。
DB2 Net Search Extender provides a flexible query language to find relevant information based on complex retrieval operations involving Boolean combination, wildcard, and fuzzy search, for example. DB2NetSearchExtender提供了一种灵活的查询语言,可以根据复杂的获取操作(例如涉及布尔组合、通配符和模糊搜索)寻找相关信息。
Wildcards and Boolean search operators are not supported. 不支持通配符和布尔搜索运算符。
B. ARC uses traditional search engine to perform the Boolean text-based search, which would result in errors. 自动资源编辑器使用传统的搜索引擎来执行布尔文本搜索,这将会引起错误。
You can further refine your selection by selecting the checkboxes at the bottom of the page, or using Boolean search terms by clicking the arrow next to the search box. 通过选择本页底部的复选框,或者通过单击搜索框旁边的箭头来使用布尔搜索条件,您可以进一步优化您的选择。
Algorithm analysis reveals that, the heuristic algorithm presented in this paper is better than other two algorithms ( Boolean Matrix Multiplication and repeated calling Breadth First Search Algorithm) during neighborhood searching of TS. 算法复杂度分析的结果显示,在TS进行临域搜索时本文提出的启发式算法优于布尔矩阵乘法以及重复调用广度优先算法。
To the shortcomings of auto-answer system based on Boolean Search Model, the article presents the principles of developing intelligent auto-answer system and its key technologies. 本文针对传统的基于布尔检索模型的自动答疑系统存在的不足,提出了开发智能型自动答疑系统的设计原则,阐述了该系统涉及的关键技术。
To improve recall and precision ratios of this system, vector match search rather than traditional boolean search, term weighing according to the importance of terms and output sorting are used. 该系统采用了与传统的布尔逻辑检索截然不同的矢量匹配检索,加上标引词按重要性被赋予权值,再排序输出,从而使检索的查全率有了提高。
Three major ways of MEDLINE searching are the medical subject headings ( MeSH) search, text word search and Boolean calculation search. MEDLINE的三种主要检索方式是医学主题词检索、自由词检索和布尔逻辑方式检索。
Third, the majority of SE schemes are limited to handling either a single keyword search or a Boolean search but not a multi-keyword ranked search, a more efficient model to retrieve the top documents corresponding to the provided keywords. 然后,大多数可搜索加密方案局限于处理单个关键字搜索或者逻辑搜索,而不是多关键字排序搜索,一个检索给定关键字的顶级文档的更加有效的模型。
Retrieval model in this paper contains two parts. First, in the first retrieval, use Boolean model which returns all documents with original query. Second, in the second search, computer the correlation between local documents and the expanded query and rank the documents. 本文的检索模型包括两个部分,初次检索使用布尔模型,能检索出含有目标字符串的所有文档;二次检索使用概率模型,需要计算查询和文档的相关度,用相关度值对文档排序。